March JanuareFebruary 03March 05
March 28, 2021
Dear Valued Customer,
The Suez Canal passage continues to be blocked in both directions. Whilst efforts continue to dislodge the container ship operated by Evergreen Marine, numbers show that over 300 ships are now waiting at anchorage to pass through the canal. There is a steady inflow of vessels reaching the canal and the effects of the redirected vessels from global carriers is not yet reflected in the queue. Currently we (Maersk and partners) have three vessels stuck in the canal and 27 vessels waiting to enter the canal, with two more expected to reach the blockage today.
To give you as much visibility into the situation as possible, please see the planned schedule for Maersk and partner vessels for the next two weeks here.
For more details and to access the list of Vessels affected, please click on Find Out More.
We have until now redirected 15 vessels where we deemed the delay of sailing around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa equal to the current delay of sailing to Suez and queuing. We do not expect to redirect any further ships during the weekend based on this analysis. New calculations on redirecting additional vessels will be made Monday considering the weekends’ salvage attempts.
While ETAs are jeopardized, it is too early to indicate the delay as we are doing our utmost to mitigate this. Please note that you can use our interactive map functionality to track any Maersk vessel in real time and gain access to AI-powered predictive analysis and estimated times of arrival (ETA) via our Hub. Click here to login to the Hub.
While out of our control, we apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business and for critical shipments we recommend that you reach out to your local sales representative for dialogues and quotations on alternative solutions, such as air and rail for urgent cargo that is still at origin or elsewhere.
Please don’t hesitate to contact your local customer service or sales representatives should you have any further questions. Recognising the weekend and working hours, please visit our FAQ aiming to answer your most immediate questions by clicking on Find Out More.
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