s a "Class A" shipping agent approved by the Ministry of Communications of PRC, we are specially engaged in ocean shipping with branches in Shanghai, Guangzhou. we provide the high quality service to everywhere merchants as this, business scope:
APL LINE - Southeast Asia, Red Sea ZIM - Southeast Asia, Mid-east, North America
MISC - Africa, Europe HYUNDAI - Mid-east
OOCL - Southeast Asia ,Europe IRISAL - Mid-east
FESCO - Russia, Australia MAERSK-East Africa
YANGMING - Southeast Asia, Mid-east,Ind-Pak WANHAI- Southeast Asia, Mid-east, North America
CHINASHIPPING - Southeast Asia, North America
Ocean Freight in Shenzhen(Yantain or Shekou Ports):
Africa Asia Other Ports
Australia Caribben
East Coast Of America East Meditterranean
European Basic Ports India,Pakistan,Bay of Bengal
Japan Inland Mid East
Red Sea South Asia
Southeast Asia,Japan,Korea West Coast Of America
West Meditterranean North Mediterranean(Egypt)
Provides booking, hire, the declaration, yards loading, loading in factory, the commodity inspection, the zoology and botany inspection, the dangerous material reported, stores in a storehouse and the ground transportation service and consultation.
Provides container, consolidation goods, chandlery, ultra limits goods, fresh, the refrigeration, the dangerous material and the ordinary chemical industry transportation service.
Provides the relative cargo broker, takes delivery of goods, delivers goods, door to door service and so on.
Insurance agency for shipment.
Provides the following and feedback information of transporting the goods by sea .
Freight agency industry is necessary bridge and belt for enterprise's development. The company will strive to exert our advantage and experience on the base of mastering market trends fully, and put forward more novel super quality and economic service means for your convenience to win the market. The expect to develop and grow realize scale- running and lower cost with your support, and bring benefit to customers.
We sincerely hope that we can devote for every customer through our continuous effort and high quality service, and we expect to develop and make progress together with the society and customer.
Roll-Roll Ship and Bulk Ship Charter Services
We are professional on bulk charter and booking business, focusing on the main project vehicles, oil exploration equipments, engineering equipments, cement plant equipments, logs, plywood, steel and all kinds of ores, etc.
Advantage Routes for Roll-Roll and Bulk Ship
Middle East and Persian Gulf and Red Sea: Abbas, Dubai, Dammam, Kueait, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Sudan, the Dutch Delta, Jeddah, Akbar, Bahrain, Djibouti, Doha.
Africa: Dar es Salaam,Lagos, Tema, Algiers, Oran, Skikda, the Libeili, Mombasa, Luanda, Lobito, Lome, Cotonou, Pointe Noire, Durban, etc.
India-Southeast Asia Line: Haiphong, Ho Chi Minh, Chittagong, Singapore, Klang, Yangon, Surabaya, Jakarta, Karachi, Mumbai, Chennai, Visa, Candela,Haldia, Mengdela, etc.
South America: Manzanillo, Kesaer, Acajutla, San Lorenzo, Corinto, Caldera, Kazibwe Bonaventura, Bonaventura, Guayaquil, Callao, San Antonio, Santos, Victoria, Valparaiso, etc.
North America: Houstom, New Orieans, New York, Philadelphia, Tampa, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, Vancouver, etc.
Europe: Antwerp, Rotterdam, Livepool, Cardiff, Vigo, Genoa, Hamburg, Lashipie, Istanbul, Aodesa, Izmir, Tarus, Latakia, etc.
Australia: Brisbane, MeLbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Fulimanteer, Townsville, etc.
Advantage Routes for Logs Import Ship
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Maiaysia, Indonesia and other routes.
Service Content
1. Factory to Port Transport
2. Customs and Port discharging and loading
3. Vessel Arrangement(roll-roll, Break bulk, bulk, log and other kinds of ships)
4. Charter booking for FOB or CIF
We can provide you with the quality services in the major ports in china(Dandong, Yingkou Tianjin, Shanghai, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhanjiang, Fangchenggang) and the Yangtze River valley.根据物流企业仓储管理流程,仓储模块提供了较为完整的出入库管理,储位管理,费用协议,库存统计等管理功能,随时了解货物流转的情况以及查询总库存、商品类别库存等。另外,针对普通仓和保税仓不同的仓储管理模式,我们开发了对应的管理功能,也提供了简便快捷的订单导入功能。
- 中国最大、最专业的国际快递。
- 高覆盖、高效率的服务获得多家公司和机构的认可。
- 最专业的精神为您提供安全、经济、专业的服务。
- 专业从事国际快递出口 出口报关 台湾快递 东南亚自营专线 DHL EMS 国际速递一级代理的服务型全能公司。
- 东南亚专线、美国专线、欧洲专线、中东专线等国际线路
- 长期致力于为客户提供最优质的服务/li>
- 最优惠的价格而深受客户的爱戴;
- 国际代理网络遍及欧洲、北美、澳洲、东南亚、中东、南美及非洲地区
- 全球一体化的浪潮中更好地维护客户的权益,提供更加优质现代化的物流服务。
- 我们将竭诚为您提供最新的货运资讯和安全、迅速、准确的运输服务。
- 台湾国际海运。
- 为世界一百二十多个国家提供物流服务
- 从中国到欧洲空运、铁运、海运等出口的物流服务。
- 为客户服务是第一职责,实现客户价值的增加
- 公司利用先进的物流管理系统软件、完善快捷的仓储服务以及一流的团队
- 为您带来的最贴心,最安全的服务