LCL [port to port or door to door] service:
Provide one-stop foreign trade transportation services including warehousing, cargo packaging, loading and unloading, customs clearance, sea transportation, document making, etc
Fast, safe and reliable.
For many years, we can provide LCL service for customers in shenzhen/Hong Kong. Strong strength, LCL ports throughout the world, and low LCL price, weekly flights and more stable, very competitive.
In more than one hundred countries in the world nearly more than five hundred port cities have reliable information, rapid communication overseas agent company, fully undertake freight and miscellaneous fees to pay, triangle trade transfer, port to port transport services.
Using the company's own import and export rights, to provide customers with safe and reliable export declaration agents, commodity inspection and certificate of origin production services, through the company's off-case account collection letter of credit, payment and related fees. Shipping bulk cargo booking instructions:
Bulk cargo transportation
1. Chartering refers to the mode in which the shipowner leases the ship to the charterer to transport the goods in accordance with the provisions of the charter party or the arrangement of the charterer. It is generally applicable to the transportation of bulk cargo.
2. Space booking refers to the consignor's booking space with the shipping company to transport the goods. Generally suitable for bulk cargo transportation.
Bulk cargo transportation terms
At present, the domestic bulk market usually USES liner terms (i.e., pipe loading and unloading terms) and FIO (regardless of loading and unloading terms at the destination port) FIOST (pipe loading and unloading terms).
Customers drag themselves
For self-towing self-reporting customers shipped from shenzhen, our company shall timely send the container release paper to the customer, and confirm whether your company has received it by phone, and clearly inform the customer of the shipping company's cabin opening, cut-off weight, cut-off release time and requirements; In addition, we will also confirm the client's container making time and the situation of container making. The client must give back the information that the heavy container has been returned to the port and declared at customs, and inform our company of the corresponding container number and seal.
Our company on behalf of the trailer --- package
1. Our company will first confirm the requirements of the shipping company for the opening date and cut-off date of the heavy container, and inform the customer of the specific situation; The customer needs to send the request for the trailer, and specify the specific location, time, contact person, telephone number, whether the bill of lading is needed, whether the customs clearance is needed, etc. If there is any conflict with the time stipulated by the shipping company, our company will inform the customer as soon as possible, so that the customer can make appropriate adjustment.
2. When the client fills in the power of attorney for the trailer, please indicate whether the trailer should be transferred to customs or general trade, and note the special requirements. In the case of customs transfer, please clearly inform our company of the place of customs closure, so that our company can send vehicles according to the local customs requirements.
3. On the day of loading, our company will provide the container number, license plate number and driver's contact information to inform the customer, so that the customer can know the actual progress of the agent trailer. (shekou export goods only provide a copy of the entry paper of the heavy container, yantian export goods must provide the original of the entry paper of the heavy container, huangpu export goods only need to provide the correct container number
1. If the customer requires our company to arrange packing on behalf of him/her, he/she should make a declaration when booking the shipping space and confirm the shipping port before booking the shipping space, so that our company can arrange the goods to be packed in the corresponding warehouse.
2. During the same period of booking space, our company will confirm the delivery time, name of goods, quantity, weight, etc., with the customer, please be sure to provide a copy of the packing list of goods.拼箱[港到港或门到门]服务:
1. 租船是指出租人将船舶出租给承租人,按照承租人的约定或者约定运输货物的方式。一般适用于散货运输。
2. 订舱是指托运人与船公司订舱运输货物。一般适用于散货运输。
班轮条款,F.I.F。O, F.I.O, F.I.L.O, FIOST
1. 我司将先确认船公司对重柜开箱日期和截箱日期的要求,并将具体情况告知客户;客户需要发送拖车申请,并说明具体的地点、时间、联系人、电话号码、是否需要提单、是否需要清关等。如果与船公司规定的时间有冲突,我司会尽快通知客户,以便客户做出适当的调整。
2. 客户填写挂车委托书时,请注明挂车是转海关还是一般贸易,并注明特殊要求。如需转关,请明确告知我司关关地点,以便我司根据当地海关要求派车。
1. 如果客户要求我司代他安排包装,他/她在订舱位时需要报关,在订舱位前需要确认船港,以便我司安排货物在相应的仓库进行包装。
2. 在订舱期间,我司会与客户确认交期、品名、数量、重量等,请务必提供一份货物装箱单复印件。
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