We tailor various types of insurance for your cargo: international Marine cargo insurance; International air cargo insurance; International land cargo insurance; International through cargo insurance.The company specialized agency certificate of origin; Ccpit certificate; Because direct to the shenzhen commodity inspection bureau, experienced, fast speed! Provide commodity inspection and plant inspection certificate for all products. CO general certificate of origin; FA certificate of origin; FE asean certificate of origin; FF China Chile certificate of origin; FB asia-pacific certificate of origin; FTA China Pakistan certificate; FP China Peru certificate of origin; FN New Zealand certificate; FM Asia Pacific certificate;Eu textiles certificate of origin; Certificate of Hong Kong origin/certificate of Hong Kong reproduced/re-exported origin, textiles export licence;If additional pages are required; Each additional page is charged separately.License issuing time: one working day, transfer data in the morning, available in the afternoon (Saturday, Sunday excepted)2 all kinds of product inspection, customs clearance, commodity inspection agents (replacement slip and foreign trade agent, import and export agent) stainless steel, electrical appliances, toys, speakers, lighting, footwear, apparel, wood furniture, wood products, ceramics, metal products, plastic products, mobile phones, monitors, Christmas crafts,bicycles, toning machine/electric treadmill, all kinds of handbags, boxes, bags, steel, etc. Too many different a list, please call advice.1-3 days out of the order.Manufacturers (companies) provide customs declaration, verification, customs declaration power of attorney, warehouse power of attorney, packing list, invoice, customs clearance, I help declare export tax rebates. If your factory (company) does not have the right to import and export, and the general taxpayer can issue value-added invoices, then your factory (company) can apply for export tax refund in our company's name through our company.Materials to be submitted for export tax rebateCustoms declaration form. A customs declaration is a document filled out by an import or export enterprise to the customs for examination and release at the time of import or export.2. Export sales invoice. This is the export enterprises according to the sales contract signed with the export buyer to fill out the documents, is the main proof of foreign purchases, but also the export enterprises accounting department with this accounting do export products sales income basis.3. Purchase invoice. The purchase invoice is mainly provided to determine the supplier, product name, measurement unit, quantity of export products, and whether it is the sales price of the production enterprise, so as to divide and calculate the purchase cost.4. Foreign exchange settlement slip or foreign exchange receipt notice.If the products are exported directly or entrusted to be exported by the manufacturer, and settled on CIF basis, the export cargo waybill and export insurance policy shall be attached.6. Enterprises engaged in processing imported and re-exported products shall also submit the contract number, date, name of imported materials and parts, quantity of imported materials and parts, name of re-exported products, amount of imported materials cost and amount of various taxes payable to the tax authorities.7. Product tax certificate.8. Verification certificate of foreign exchange receipt for export.9. Other materials related to export tax rebate.Export tax rebate calculation formulaTax rebate = (VAT invoice amount)/(1+ VAT rate) * export tax rebate rateGenerally speaking, the export goods enjoying tax refund or exemption should meet the following four conditions:(1) must belong to the value added tax, consumption tax levy scope of goods;(2) must be goods declared for departure;(3) goods which must be sold for financial purposes;(4) must be the export of foreign exchange collection and has been written off goodsExport foreign currency settlement: we have a Hong Kong registered company, specializing in domestic export enterprises, acting as an agent for companies (manufacturers) or private companies, collecting us dollars in foreign exchange, foreign exchange settlement timely return to customers, foreign exchange to the account, the bank quote on the day of the RMB back to the company (manufacturers) or private.
2. 出口销售发票。这是出口企业根据与出口买方签订的销售合同填写的单据,是国外采购的主要凭证,也是出口企业会计部门用这一会计核算做出口产品销售收入的依据。
4. 结汇单或收汇通知书。
6. 加工进出口产品的企业还应当向税务机关报送合同号、日期、进口料件名称、进口料件数量、再出口产品名称、进口料件成本和各项应纳税额。
7. 产品税证书。
8. 出口收汇核销证明。
9. 与出口退税有关的其他材料。
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